Monday, June 20, 2011

Braxton Hicks

Braxton Hicks are named after the English doctor who first described them. In 1872, John Braxton Hicks investigated the later stages of pregnancy and noted that many women felt contractions without being near birth.[2] This process was usually painless but caused women confusion as to whether or not they were going into actual labor. It has since been found that Braxton Hicks' contractions are much less noticeable during exercise, whereas real contractions are not.

It started last night when we were at Papa and Mama's house during a family gathering BBQ/father's day dinner. At first it just felt like a slight pull, which I ignored. But I started to feel a cramp on the left side of my tummy during desert. I thought I just had to much to eat and shrugged it off. On the way home, my tummy continued to cramp, and started to feel worse. A quick shower later, I laid on the couch and it eased a little bit. This was also when I started to prep Eddie on the possibility that if I really do go into labour, he has to be ready mentally. He started to freak out. Poor guy.

This morning, I couldn't even turn without the feeling of my tummy cramping. Plus my nose felt like it was about to be blocked and my head was beginning to hurt. I decided there and then to visit the doctor. At the doctor a few hours later, I told my regular doctor of the pain I was feeling since the night before. After a blood test, he explained why I was feeling the way I was and ordered me to rest for the next few days.

Reaching home after the doctor, I couldn't even make it up the stairs without Eddie having to hold up the right side of my body. Seeing that this is classified as "pre-labour", I guess my body is just giving me a warning of what's to come. Whatever it is, at least I've got my hospital bag ready to go. And we've pre-registered at the hospital. All I need to prepare now is the baby bucket car seat (which I told Eddie about but he refuses to take it out of the plastic because he still believes we're nowhere near that stage yet) and we're all set and ready to go!

About to have dinner and feeling great.

The after effects of Braxton Hicks = iron pill, charcoal pill and pain relief pill.

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