Wednesday, December 28, 2011


First trimester. Working part-time at Townhouse. Eddie working full-time at...damn, forgot the name of that place. I was miserable because I felt naseous and tired all the time. I received a call from HR at the bank offering me that job. I had to tell her I was pregnant because she wanted me to go for a medical check-up. When she said she had to re-discuss the job offer with the hiring manager, I felt the world falling down on me. I didn't know how much I really wanted the job until I told Eddie I might not get the job and burst out crying. Two days later, she called and said the hiring manager still wanted me. Things were looking up again.

Entering second trimester. Nausea and tiredness wearing off. I quit Townhouse because I wanted the luxury of doing nothing before beginning work at the bank after CNY. First two weeks of work was extremely boring because I had absolutely nothing to do and my boss was extremely busy. Busy during the weekends though - officially moving out of Mahaman and into Lojing Heights.

Getting used to work and still learning the ropes. Tummy growing a bit bigger. Had a mini doa at our new home with Eddie's family - Ayah, Umie and all siblings. Even Apis was in KL at the time. They stayed at our home for the whole weekend to celebrate Eddie's 30th birthday. Sweet memories with lots of laughter shared.

Entering 6th month of pregnancy. Received a call from Umie at 7am one morning on Eddie's phone. She said she's not well. Two days later, Ayah tells us that Umie has been admitted. Balik kampung on a Thursday night. Umie was in hospital with high blood pressure and a fever. She looks tired but is ok. On Saturday, she was able to eat more than usual. We were confident she would be discharged the next day. She even pesan for us to buy her popiah from Teluk Intan. When we reached hospital with the popiah, they told us that Umie had vomitted and pengsan. Umie was pronounced dead on 4 April 2011 at 12.04am. Her body was laid to rest the next morning.

A sad month. We were taking turns balik kampung. We didn't want to leave Ayah alone. We knew he was lonely and that he was still coming to terms with losing Umie.

Third trimester. Tummy was full and round and baby was happily kicking away inside. Tension. Things were beginning to turn sour with Eddie's siblings. A post was made on a blog that crossed the line with me. A post was made in reply. Things turned bad. Sour faces pulled. Sides were taken. Eddie caught in between - sad with what's happened but so happy awaiting the arrival of our baby boy. We decided to focus on our baby and made all the final preparations - 3D scans, buying baby items, cleaning the house, registering at the hospital and having our baby shower.

We became parents :)

My confinement. One of the most stressful times of my life. I hate confinement. Not because of the bengkung and food restriction (I actually prefer that because I lost 10kg after a month). It was because I couldn't do anything or go anywhere and I felt TRAPPED. Also one of the most trying times in our marriage. Thank God Eddie is an understanding man. And thank God he's hands on enough to help me with our baby.

Raya. Back to work after 60 days off.

Getting back in the groove at work. Enjoying every moment with my baby :) Joined the gym and set a target for goal weight.

Work and home. Work and home. Took Zafry to Malacca with my sister, her kids and my parents. Work and home. Enjoying every moment with my baby :)

Haven't reached my goal weight yet, but I'm getting there. I feel like I'm finally beginning to really get into my groove at work. My baby is now rolling and rolling and is an active little guy. He smiles when he sees me, Eddie or the people he recognises and giggles when we clean his ear.

2011 is probably the most eventful year of my whole life. So many things has happened. I'm a mother! I have a son! I'm still getting used to the idea of being a wife! No matter how bad things got this year, I'm so happy and thankful for all the good things that has come out as well. Can't wait to see what happens in 2012 ;)

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