Sunday, January 30, 2011

Chapter One: It All Begins From the Past

24 January 2008
We were sitting that morning in a mamak behind Pavilion. He was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt and black pants. I was wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt with a colourful skirt that fell to my ankles. He was going in to work at 3pm, and we only had a few hours left before he had to go home and change. We were waiting for our maggi goreng when he took his phone out, looked at the calendar and said that it was a good date for us to set a commitment to each other. No playing around, no games...this is it.
13 March 2008
It was his 27th birthday and he wanted to celebrate it with his sisters. I was afraid to meet them, but he took my hand anyway and led the way. Ijah and Imah were already at Secret Recipe when we arrived. And by the look on their faces, I don't think Eddie told them he was bringing me. It felt like a big step for me, especially when all I did that night was sit quietly (from shyness and fear) while Ijah made the extra effort of trying to talk to me. And I guess it was a big step for him too...because he couldn't stop thanking me for coming along after that.

Ijah, me and Imah with baby Qistina @ Maisarah
June 2008
Imah was getting engaged and he wanted to take me back to his kampung to meet his family. At first I refused to go and said that I don't need to be there. But he said that if he could make the effort to meet my family on my birthday, then I could make the effort to meet his family on a special ocassion. I think I was more in shock and awe then his parents when we arrived. And to make things worse, as soon as he introduced me to everyone, he left me...alone! He told me later that he did that on purpose so I would have to mingle with everyone. I guess it did the trick because now he complains that his family always come to me first before going to him :)

I was seated by myself at the corner in Ayah's house at my very first visit when he took Imah's phone and snapped this picture :)

17 May 2009

Ummi putting the ring on my finger to 'book' me before our engagement
His family came to ask my parents hand in marriage, and as they arrived, I sat at the top of the stairs trying to hear what was being said. All I heard was light mumbling and then roars of laughter. Till today, the only thing I know that happened during the conversation was from what Eddie's Ayah and Ijah = that Papa was funny. Also, there was a new ring on my finger :)

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