Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Is it ok?

Is it ok that I miss my mother-in-law?

Is it ok that I miss her calling me every week just to chat?

Is it ok to say that balik kampung doesn't feel the same because the house feels empty?

Is it ok that sometimes I smile to myself when I remember something that we shared during better times?

Is it ok for me to feel the pain when for the very first time my father-in-law met my son, he mentioned how Ummi was no longer around to see him?

Is it ok that I left the mattress Ummi bought for my baby when I was only 4 months pregnant behind at kampung because just looking at it reminds me how excited she was to know I was expecting a boy?

Is it ok for me to mention her to...anyone?

No, I guess it's not ok. I'm an outsider who just happened to actually enjoy my relationship with my late mother-in-law.

Some people say just because someone goes away, doesn't mean they're not forgotten. In this case, I guess I just need to put everything aside.

After all, who am I?

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